To determine whether the proxy IP is effective, you can use the following methods:

1st January 2024

For many users who are new to web scraping, they may not be sure whether the proxy IPs they obtained are valid or whether the proxy IPs they set up are effective. In fact, it is quite easy to determine if a proxy IP is effective. IPHTML's Global Static/Dynamic Residential IP Proxy has compiled some methods to determine if a proxy IP is effective.

1, Using websites or services for IP location checks: Open a website that provides IP location services, such as or, and check if the displayed IP address matches the proxy IP address you have set. If the displayed IP address matches your proxy IP address, then the proxy setting is effective.

2, Using command-line tools for checking: Execute commands such as curl or wget in the command line to access a website that displays IP addresses, such as or If the returned IP address matches the proxy IP address you have set, then the proxy setting is effective.

curl -i -x ""

3, Checking through browser extensions: Use browser extensions or plugins such as "Proxy SwitchyOmega" to see if the proxy settings in your browser are effective.

4, Using network packet capture tools for checking: Use network packet capture tools like Wireshark to monitor network traffic and observe whether it passes through the configured proxy IP address.

5, Accessing blocked websites: If you set up the proxy to bypass network restrictions, try accessing some websites that are blocked in your location. If you can access them, it indicates that the proxy settings are effective.

Whichever method you choose, ensure that you are connected to the proxy network when checking the proxy settings, as otherwise, the results may not be accurate.

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