Cons of a Proxy Server

Unfortunately, proxies also have several disadvantages. These mostly have to do with the fact that a proxy is usually only half a solution: it doesn’t offer complete online anonymity or safety. We’ll explain this claim in more detail in the following sections.

No complete anonymity
Laptop no anonymityPrivate users of proxy servers are typically concerned with keeping their browsing habits private and securing their personal information. However, a proxy server has the ability to log all information the user sends and receives.

Your boss, for example, can easily see everything you do using the business network (which is often arranged via a proxy). Moreover, he or she can keep tabs on how much time employees spend on certain websites.

So be warned: your boss knows exactly when you’ve been buying new shoes on Amazon when you should’ve been working.

In short, a proxy doesn’t protect your data traffic from all onlookers. Especially free online proxies come with big risks: nine out of ten times, you have no idea who controls the proxy connection, so you can never be sure as to whether your data is actually safe.

All your online traffic is sent right into the hands of a stranger. Do you wish to have full online privacy? Then a proxy is not the right choice. Proxy servers can’t protect you against doxing attacks as much.

No encryption
Similarly, a proxy server cannot guarantee your online safety. Usually, when you use a proxy, it isn’t possible to trace your data traffic back to you, which means you have a certain amount of anonymity.

However, none of this data is encrypted. This means that websites can still see what you do online, even though they can’t connect that activity to your real IP address.

Your IP address could be leaked
A proxy isn’t a solid solution to online tracking. With some proxies, it’s relatively easy for just about anyone to find out what your actual IP address is. If that happens, you miss out on a lot of the advantages of a proxy. You’ll be a lot more vulnerable on the internet.